Travis Casner
Partner, Forensics and Litigation Services
Travis Casner, CFE, has over 12 years of experience assisting clients with the analysis and evaluation of the financial and accounting aspects of litigation and investigative matters. Travis has managed numerous financial forensics investigations involving allegations of fraud, financial mismanagement, financial misrepresentation, misuse of government funds, conflicts of interest, employee misconduct and theft, and other types of white-collar crime. He also has extensive experience in analyzing financial statements, asset tracing, reviewing and evaluating governance practices and internal controls, as well as analyzing complex data sets and locating and analyzing various types of electronic data including emails and financial records.
Travis has led various forensic engagements including investigations and forensic audits for cities, school districts, state agencies, federal agencies, higher education institutions, not-for-profits, and various corporations in the private sector.
Before joining Weaver, Travis was a manager in the Dispute Advisory and Forensics practice of HSSK, LLC and served in a manager-level position of an international, publicly traded consulting firm.