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Health Care

Clients value us for our deep crossover experience in the health care industry. We work closely with you, taking a holistic, strategic approach to your current challenges and future opportunities.

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Find your Health Care industry segment

Life Science
Assurance over financial reporting and proper compliance measures are critical for research and development, and ultimately, success in the life sciences industry. That’s where the team at Weaver can make an impact as your advisors.
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Patient Care (Providers)
Our diverse team brings you the advantage of experience on both the provider side and the regulatory compliance side — combined with a strong commitment to independence and integrity. Turn to Weaver for your health care audit, advisory and tax compliance needs.
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How much time does your staff spend each month on error-prone, time-consuming spreadsheet processes to calculate your facility’s net revenue and net accounts receivable journal entries, bad debt, contractual allowances, and charity balances? Decades after most hospitals and physician practices implemented electronic billing and collections, determining these net financial entries and calculating bad debt are still time-consuming, error-prone, manual processes. That’s why Weaver developed Hi-Arc, a cloud-based tool that calculates this data in minutes.

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Health Care Data Privacy and Cybersecurity

Our health care cybersecurity team will help you assess the current state of your security posture and work with you to define a path to achieve your desired goals. Well-versed in the standards and control frameworks leading organizations to manage compliance, our team can assess environments, systems, and practices against a variety of technical and regulatory requirements, including HIPAA, PCI, NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, Red Flags, Sarbanes-Oxley, FDICIA and GLBA. We understand the importance of keeping sensitive data locked up tight. We have built multi-layered protection to protect our clients’ data as well as our own, and our cybersecurity team works hard to stay ahead of the curve on changing threats.

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CPRIT Grant Compliance Services

When you are awarded a grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) to fund new research or product development, doors open to innovation, growth and prestige. Along with these opportunities, you also incur responsibilities to manage and report grant funds in compliance with complex CPRIT requirements. Whether or not you have in-house staff with grant management experience the annual single audits or agreed-upon procedures can present a challenge. Our team can help.
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Your Health Care team.