Mandatory LRT Re-Registration Due March 31st
To those parties with an existing California LCFS Reporting Tool (LRT) account, this is a reminder that CARB’s mandatory re-registration deadline is fast approaching. Under regulations adopted last year, reporting parties who had LRT accounts as of January 1, 2016, must complete the steps set out in subsection 95483.2(b) to update and re-register their accounts by March 31, 2016.
To complete re-registration of an existing account, take the following steps:
- Log into the LRT system and make any necessary changes/updates/corrections to the Organization Profile.
- Complete the Account Registration Form, which is a PDF that CARB emailed to registered LRT account administrators on or about February 5th. The completed Account Registration Form must be uploaded via the company’s LRT Organization Profile page.
- Upon completion of steps 1 and 2, submit updates electronically by selecting the Update Organization Profile button at the bottom of the Organization Profile page.
- Mail an original, wet-ink signature copy of the completed “Account Registration Form” to CARB at the following address: California Air Resources Board, c/o Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program, P.O. Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812. The form should be accompanied by a cover letter on company letterhead.
Keep in mind that the Account Registration Form requires three signatures for submission: a Primary Account Administrator, a Secondary Administrator, and a Corporate Officer with legal authority to bind the company.
To ensure timely re-registration, the above steps – including receipt of the hardcopy Account Registration Form by CARB – should be completed by March 31st. Failure to comply will result in the account being frozen by CARB, and further subject to closure and forfeiture of any credits remaining in the account.
For further assistance please contact Greg Staiti.
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