Tuesday Tax Tidbit: Still Time to Make a 2013 IRA Contribution
Resource & Insights
March 30, 2013
Tax-advantaged retirement plans allow your money to grow tax-deferred — or, in the case of Roth accounts, tax-free. But annual contributions are limited by tax law, and any unused limit can’t be carried forward to make larger contributions in future years. So it’s a good idea to use up as much of your annual limits as possible.
Have you maxed out your 2013 limits? While it’s too late to add to your 2013 401(k) contributions, there’s still time to make 2013 IRA contributions. The deadline is April 15, 2014. The limit for total contributions to all IRAs generally is $5,500 ($6,500 if you were age 50 or older on Dec. 31, 2013).
A traditional IRA contribution also might provide some savings on your 2013 tax bill. If you and your spouse don’t participate in an employer-sponsored plan such as a 401(k) — or you do but your income doesn’t exceed certain limits — your traditional IRA contribution is fully deductible on your 2013 tax return.
If you don’t qualify for a deductible traditional IRA contribution, consider making a Roth IRA or nondeductible traditional IRA contribution. We can help you determine what makes sense for you.
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