Brandi Kleinman
Managing Director, Forensics and Litigation Services
Brandi Kleinman, CPA, CFF, serves as a managing director in Weaver’s Forensics and Litigation Service practice. Brandi has 20 years of experience evaluating the financial and economic aspects of complex, commercial litigation disputes, including serving as an expert witness in state and federal court, as well as in arbitration. She regularly directs multi-disciplinary teams of accountants, engineers, statisticians, industry experts, and data specialists in the development and critique of large, complex data sets and damage models to evaluate the impact of specific business events including breaches of contract and duty, business interruption, business torts, and fraudulent conveyance. Brandi’s experience spans the banking, construction, energy, health care, insurance, manufacturing, real estate, retail, and technology industries, among others.
She performs fraud and forensic accounting investigations for her clients including those involving allegations of white-collar fraud, employee misconduct and alter-ego. Brandi has directed numerous engagements involving the quantification of intellectual property damages resulting from the infringement of patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. She has been involved in the review and analysis of construction claim issues on a wide variety of industrial, commercial, residential, public works, and infrastructure projects. She has worked on high profile engagements including sports stadiums, multi-family developments, office towers, pipelines, power plants, health care facilities, and other special use facilities.
Brandi is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). She is a frequent speaker to students, clients and colleagues on topics including the quantification of damages and forensic accounting investigations. Brandi received her Bachelor of Business Administration degree in finance from the University of Texas and her Master of Science in accounting and information management from the University of Texas at Dallas.