EPA Part 79: Producers and Importers of Motor Vehicle Fuels and Fuel Additives
Part 79 of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) fuels regulations requires that all producers and importers of any motor vehicle fuel must file quarterly and annual reports with the EPA. This includes petroleum diesel and gasoline, biodiesel, and renewable diesel and gasoline fuels. In addition, Part 79 requires that all producers and importers of any motor vehicle fuel additives must file annual reports with the EPA. This includes ethanol and other fuel additives.
Quarterly fuel reports must include the production volumes for each fuel the company is registered for and the average, low and high dose rates of each registered additive. Annual reports include updates to the minimum, average and maximum fuel properties.
Even if a company does not produce or import a fuel or fuel additive in a given quarter, they must still file these Part 79 reports with the EPA within approximately 60 days after the end of the quarter. Annual reports are due by March 31 for the preceding year.
The EPA has indicated that companies may now submit Part 79 reports via email directly to Jim Caldwell. The completed reports should be printed, signed by an authorized company representative, scanned and then emailed to Jim. The email subject line should include the following information: Company Name – Part 79 Company ID – Report Name – Quarter Year. The EPA will not accept unsigned reports. Alternatively, reports may be signed by an authorized company representative and the hard copy originals sent to the EPA via commercial delivery service. Companies submitting reports and claiming confidential business information (CBI) should only submit reports by sending the hard copy originals to the EPA via a commercial delivery service.