Finding the Best Job Interview Format
Weaver’s recruiting team sits with the Society of HR Professionals to discuss the ways that job interviews have changed in the post-pandemic world.
Before the pandemic, virtual interviews were rarely part of the hiring process. But as businesses began sending employees home to work in 2020, interviewing via video became commonplace. Three years later, even though social distancing mandates are now just a memory, many companies continue to use virtual interviews for at least part of their hiring process.
Other companies prefer sticking with in-person interviews for all positions. After an initial 15-minute screening call, Weaver, the Houston-based public accounting firm, invites candidates to its office.
- “We’re not getting much pushback—if they’re local, they want to come into the office,” says Emily Flamm, Weaver’s recruiting senior manager. She adds that an in-person interview allows Weaver to show off its workplace culture, its people and newly renovated offices in some of its 16 locations across the country.
- “A candidate might determine that while accounting jobs are similar, Weaver took the time to meet with them in person, and it was a great experience,” says Kassie Ross, a recruiting manager for the company.
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At Weaver, we care about success. We’re passionate about bringing together talented individuals and giving them the tools they need to succeed. Our commitment to excellence and balance is what sets our culture apart.