Fuels ABT Required Registration Updates
The gasoline sulfur and benzene credit generation and trading program is being transitioned to electronic form in the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS). By April 30, 2015, all gasoline refiners and importers will be required to upload their current inventory of unused credits into the EMTS.
In order to do this, someone registered as an Employee Delegate or Third Party Agent for the refiner or importer will need to update their CDX registration to give them this capability. The process for doing this is as follows:
- Login to CDX and select the OTAQReg program. If you are not registered with OTAQReg, you will need to add this program to your list of registered programs.
- Once in OTAQReg, select Update Existing Company Associations from the blue bar on the left side panel. If you are associated with multiple companies, this may take a while to load.
- Once open, select your company name and view current roles on the right side of the screen. Select and add the role EMTS Fuels ABT Submitter and complete the prompts that follow.
- Your Responsible Corporate Officer will need to approve this association. If they have an Electronic Signature Agreement on file with the EPA, this process will be much quicker. If not, the approval can be sent manually by FedEx or UPS to the address provided in the system. The EPA suggests you submit this request no later than April 7 to ensure they have time to process it.
Once granted access by the EPA, you are ready to upload your company’s current inventory of sulfur and benzene credits into EMTS. Remember that this must be done by April 30 by the individual(s) who have added this capability to their CDX roles.
We recommend that you read through the EPA’s information on this ABT conversion process prior to beginning the upload process. If you have any questions about this update, please feel free to contact us.
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