Women in Tech: Q&A with Lulu Hernandez Walker
Attracting and retaining women in technology starts by sparking interest among girls and women at an early age, encouraging their curiosity, and providing mentors along the way. With a core belief that elevating one another creates an empowered space for all women in the tech space, we want to do our part to support female and all lesser-represented talent at every stage in their growth.
Lulu Hernandez Walker, Senior Manager, IT Advisory Services |
How Did You Get into Tech?
I was first introduced to technology by Mr. V., my fifth grade teacher, who had a side business fixing and re-selling desktop computers. This was in the 90’s, when computers were still bulky and very slow. Occasionally, during recess a few of us would watch Mr. V as he broke down and put back together a computer case. He encouraged us to get into the technology industry, but as I progressed through middle school, high school, and college I was set on a different path. After college, when I started my professional career, one of my colleagues got me interested in the technology industry. Since joining Weaver’s IT Advisory team, I have had the opportunity to become one of the growing number of female leaders not just in technology but in the firm as a whole.
What Do You Do to Stay in Touch with Tech News?
My story is a bit non-traditional. I didn’t major in computer science or information technology. A lot of what I have learned has been self-taught through reading, watching LOTS of videos, and my own experiences in the field.
To keep up to date with technology news I read articles or posts on industry topics that seem interesting and participate in trainings and seminars. When I come across something that I’d like to learn more about I’ll make the time to understand what it is and how it works.
There are several trainings available, many of them free. They range from basic elements, such as what a server is and how it functions, to how to understand the difference between hypervisors and containers. SANS, ISACA, and WildWestHackinFest are good places to look for training. To keep up to date with news, I go to threatpost, infoworld, and krebsonsecurity. These are just a few, but there are many out there!
My colleagues are also very technologically sharp and great resources. We exchange information and material related to the industry that keeps our group in the know about updates and new processes.
What Would You Like to See Improve For Women in Tech?
There are women in history who for many, many years did not receive the credit they deserved for the impact they made in the industry. Women like Ada Lovelace, who was considered the first computer programmer, or Katherine Johnson, who was the first “computer” at NASA.
I’d love to see a focus on closing the gap of ‘women in tech’ by empowering women to embrace technology and creating more intentional ally-ship for women in tech. Fueling girls’ enthusiasm for tech should begin at an early age! We should continue to create and provide meaningful ways to expose more girls and young women to the world of technology to fuel their interest in pursuing a career in this field so that maybe one day they will be the women who make an impact on the industry.
What Are Some Tips You’d Like to Share with Women in Tech?
Follow your curiosity! If you have an interest in learning about something in technology, follow it. Don’t be afraid to be curious and understand something that may seem complicated. Make the time to invest in your growth!
- Overcome imposter syndrome by building your confidence. I have felt this many times myself, and I know others have, too. It probably has to do with the small number of women in technology. But if you continue to build your confidence, this feeling will subside. I usually attack it by becoming knowledgeable about something I want to learn. This doesn’t mean I have to know everything about a topic, but I dig in enough to be able to speak intelligently about it. I tend to be a perfectionist so I’ve had to be comfortable with not knowing everything about a topic.
- Find a mentor in the tech industry. Many of us want to help and empower other women. Ask someone you respect to help guide you and provide the leadership you need to excel.
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