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IT Internal Audit

Weaver’s IT audits hone in on the technology risks that may impede your business operations.

Let us help you

Weaver’s IT audits hone in on the technology risks that may impede your business operations. They uncover areas where your business may be vulnerable and recommend proactive steps to help prevent attacks from external and internal sources.

We can assist management in building or facilitating the completion of their internal IT risk assessment, or by building an appropriate internal audit scope for technology-based risk topics. Procedures are typically conducted together with your IT staff and consist of such activities as reviewing network architecture, assessing security management policies and procedures (and compliance with those policies and procedures), interviewing IT personnel, inspecting configurations and using automated tools to scan internal and external networks.

Upon completion, we deliver comprehensive, actionable recommendations for improvement and identify the specific areas in which your business may be most at risk.

Our experienced IT team can perform IT audits alone or in conjunction with other services such as financial statement audit or Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

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Your IT Internal Audit team.